There are two videos in particular that we have shot in previous months that seem to have really resonated with people interested in our technology. Well, people who are interesting in learning about ways to solve CDS recycling bin contamination might be a more accurate description. Whatever the reason for the interest, we are happy to see people seeking out and benefitting from this content, so here they are.
There first one was shot in the Sydney office of an early Charopy client and it is the one I would typically show someone that has never even seen our product before - in around 40 seconds it very clearly explains the problem we are solving, and how we solve it. If I could only show a person one video about what Charopy does, this would be the one.
This second video is even shorter, but uses a very simple format to explain a situation all of us have seen before - coffee cups contaminating the recycling bin. Because everyone knows they don't belong there, but we have all seen it happen, this video got an amazing response when we put it up on social media recently.
I've posted videos in the past of some of the first people to experience our smart bin technology, and even students using an earlier prototype of the smart bin, but we now have our technology getting good interest from shopping centre owners, and have significantly expanded the online reporting capabilities of the product, plus we have added new functionality and general improvements to the smart bin, so with videos being such a powerful way to communicate the product benefits, you can expect to see more video content being posted here in the near future.